
Why We Like What We Like

Why We Like What We Like

Are you a coffee or tea person? Or neither? Why do you like the colour blue? Or if blue is not your colour, red? Or green? In a 2015 survey done b...

What Can You look Forward to in 2021?

What Can You look Forward to in 2021?

We are well into the first month of 2021. It seems it was only yesterday that we were still in 2020. Do we have reasons to look forward to a better...

Who Owns the Most Pairs of Sunglasses in the World?

Who Owns the Most Pairs of Sunglasses in the World?

Sunglasses, love them or hate them, you’ll never deny they are everywhere. From celebrities to energetic athletes, to the neighbours next door, and...

What is the Colour of Your Personality?

What is the Colour of Your Personality?

If you were asked to choose one colour, what will it be? There’s a high chance that it will be a blue. Surveys from all over the world put blue is...