What Can You look Forward to in 2021?
We are well into the first month of 2021. It seems it was only yesterday that we were still in 2020. Do we have reasons to look forward to a better year? Like most people, you might already have been out and about for a few months already. Judging by the crowds in malls, save for the face masks in sight, you’ll be forgiven to think there is no pandemic in Singapore. While the worst is far from over, we may have something positive to look forward this year. Below are some things we might look forward to in 2021:
Immunity – Yes, we’re talking about immunity against Covid-19. With mass vaccination underway in many countries, including Singapore, hopes are rising that we can attain herd immunity. That means we have freedom from all the restrictions we’re seeing now. That also means freedom from having to wear masks or keeping the 1m distance from one another.
BBQ – who would have thought that the humble outdoor BBQs would be missed? But they are! When things are under control, we can certainly have lots of BBQs – just don't overdo it!
Reunited with family and friends – many people are separated from their families. They’re working in one country but their family is back home. When the pandemic is under control, they will surely look forward to reuniting with their family members. Those who have friends, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, parents, children – separated from each other will be able to meet again.
Concerts / Live Performances – much of our cultural and artistic leanings have been curtailed due to the pandemic. We can look forward to reliving some of these activities once again, perhaps later this year. Ah, the vibes, the sounds, the action! Baskers will certainly look forward to being able to perform again.
Large-Scale Religious Activities – for the more spiritual among us, we might be missing the times where we can meet in a large religious setting. With herd immunity, that is looking promising again.
Travel – for others, with the prospects of having the pandemic controlled, they are looking forward to being to travel again. Europe, the USA, Hong Kong – no travel bubbles needed.
Blood Moon - for those of us who prefer to stay put, we can look forward to a total lunar eclipsed on May 26, 2021. A lunar eclipse is when the moon enters the Earth's shadow. When that happens, the moon takes on a red colour and is known as a blood moon. Mark it in your calendar.
New TV Shows - for the homebodies, new TV shows are slated for 2021. Productions that were stalled or delayed in 2020 are due to be released this year. Stay tuned!
New Movies – just like new TV show, movie buffs won’t be disappointed! If you’re dying for the latest James Bond instalment – ‘No Time to Die’ – you’re in for a treat. It is due to be released in April this year. Many other highly-anticipated movies that were delayed are coming to a cinema near you in 2021.
Pantone colours for 2021 – We can expect bright colours everywhere. Pantone has announced their colours for this year are Ultimate Grey and Illuminating (yellow). Pantone has been forecasting colours for some time now and it has a huge bearing on trends, From furniture to textile, fashion and even technology design, designers may be influenced in making products along this trend. Be inspired!
Healthier Minds and Bodies – Regardless whether the pandemic is under control or not, all of us can make it a point to be healthy! If you’ve been holding off an exercise regime, delay no more. Singapore has an extensive park connector network, totalling 150 km. With so much outdoor space available, we should get out more to exercise so simply clear our mind. Doing so can help us stay positive. As they say: healthy body, healthy mind!
Exciting Sunday Shades Colours – yes, we can look forward another exciting year for Sunday Shaders! We have launched many attractive colours in 2020. What does 2021 bring? Watch out for our exciting product launches coming your way! In the meantime, you can check out our existing and extensive range of no bounce, lightweight, fashionable sunglasses here.