Ruby Tan - Rock Climbing, Sea Kayaking, River Kayaking, Hiking

We're delighted to bring you an insightful interview with Ruby Tan, an avid adventurer with a deep passion for rock climbing, sea kayaking, river kayaking, and hiking. Ruby's story is a testament to the pursuit of one's outdoor dreams and the courage to embark on an unconventional path. Join us as we delve into her journey, her inspiration, and the advice she offers to those yearning to explore the great outdoors.

Name: Ruby Tan
Instagram (IG): @heyrubytan

Sport: Rock climbing, sea kayaking, river kayaking, hiking

1. When did you discover that this was your passion and that you were going to pursue it as far as you could?

I always loved the outdoors, but I only realized I wanted to work in it in my mid-20s. I enrolled in a course in New Zealand and never looked back.

2. Do you see yourself as an inspirational role model for aspiring athletes?

I'd like to think that I'm a little bit inspiring because I'm not walking the usual path a Singaporean would. I'd like to encourage everyone to pursue what fills their soul and makes their heart sing, even if it's scary - because a purpose-fueled vision will help you triumph over any challenge thrown your way.

3. Where are your favorite training spots (Singapore or anywhere else in the world)? Why?

I love adventuring in New Zealand - that's what feels like home to me!

4. If there are readers who would like to get started in your sport, what advice do you have?

If you're a Singaporean, then chances are, like me, you have no idea how to function in the outdoors. There are ways to get started on courses, suiting different budgets. Talk to me!

Ruby Tan embodies the essence of daring to follow one's heart into the great outdoors. Her journey from discovering her passion later in life to taking the leap into a unique career path is an inspiration. Ruby's message is clear: embrace what ignites your soul, even if it leads you off the beaten path, for a purpose-driven vision can conquer any challenge. Her love for New Zealand reflects the profound connection one can find in nature. For those who aspire to tread a similar trail, Ruby's invitation to "talk to me" opens the door to a world of adventure and inspiration.