Krystal Khaw - Ultra Trail Runner


Meet Krystal Khaw, the extraordinary ultra trail running athlete who inspires others with her unwavering passion and determination. Discover how Krystal's journey began, what inspired her to pursue this challenging path, and her experiences in major competitions. From her intense training regimen to maintaining a special diet, Krystal shares her secrets to success. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or a beginner looking to step into the world of trail running, Krystal's valuable insights and advice will surely leave you inspired and motivated to embrace the path of adventure. 


Sport: Ultra Trail Running

Name: Krystal Khaw

IG & FB handles: Krystal Khaw, Creamycrimson

  1. When did you discover that this was your passion and that you were going to pursue it as far as you could?
    I started with running from 10KM fun run to 21KM half marathon and finally 42KM full marathon. Then I discovered my body could take on greater load and challenged myself to do 50KM trail marathons. 

    From then on it gets more and I find myself now attempting 100KM trail marathons. I will continue to pursue further distances to appreciate how far our body and mind can bring us.

  2. Who was your inspiration?
    Definitely my mentor and coach Roger Choo who provided me with so much knowledge and encouragement to take part in this high intensity sport.

  3. Have you participated in any major competition or events?
    Namely Malaysian Mountain Trail Festival, Cameron Highlands Ultra, Ultimate Trails of Penang among many others.

  4. In your opinion, what was your best performance? I think I performed well in Cameron Highlands Ultra 2023 (Cultra) as it was my first 100KM attempt with about 5,000 meters in elevation. I conditioned my body well to take on 26 hours of non-stop running and it rewarded me with a podium finish.

  5. What is your training like when training for a competition?
    Roughly 70-80KM per week in average, with proper sleep and nutrition intake.

  6. Do you maintain a special diet?
    Yes, I take loads of supplements, because I believe what are constantly used during training and race and must be replenished. I take FitLine complete day and night nutrition of vitamins and minerals, along with calcium, glucosamine and collagen for joint health.

    Every day is cheat day when you are doing so much running in a week. You can eat anything you want, like char koey teow with added cockles and bubble milk tea. I do annual body check up and my readings are all in good shape.

  7. When not training for a competition, what is your training like? What does a typical week look like?
    I sleep, ALOT. Sleep is part of training and recovery. Sleeping is the secret to staying youthful as well.

  8. Do you see yourself as an inspirational role model for aspiring athletes?Yes, definitely. Not many women partake in long distance ultra running as it is very taxing on the body. I hope to inspire more to try this sport, starting from shorter distances for physical and mental health, also to discover and admire the beauty of nature.
  1. Where is your favourite training spots?
    It’s definitely Penang Island! Penang Hill is smack in the centre and easily accessible from multiple points of the island. It has great elevation of about 800 meters and mix terrain to train for different races.
  1. If there are readers who would like to get started in your sport, what advice do you have?
    Don't just push your body to the limit. Maintenance is important to prevent injury and keep your body in perfect condition and is often overlooked.
  2. Have you always been fit and fab?
    I have always been in good shape, probably just for a short period of time I got slightly chubby from stress fat. Stress is a dangerous thing, no matter how much you run you get fat and your body goes head-wire. So try to reduce stress in life.
  3. Do you have something else about yourself that you would like to share with our readers?
    I was a cosplayer before and I guess it was the start or the flame of me going into sports and keeping fit. Because we need to look perfect in character and costume. I wish to cosplay again if I have the time.

Krystal's unwavering passion for the sport and her dedication to maintaining a healthy lifestyle are truly admirable. We hope that her valuable insights and advice will inspire aspiring athletes to embark on their own adventurous path. From her podium finishes to her belief in the power of rest and recovery, Krystal's journey is a testament to the incredible achievements that await those who dare to dream big. We wish Krystal every success and may her trail-blazing spirit continue to inspire us all to embrace the beauty of nature and the greatness within ourselves.