Cherlynn Sim - Marathoner

Cherlynn Sim - Marathoner

Meet running enthusiast, and Sunday Shades Ambassador Cherlynn Sim. Who’s her inspiration and what words of advice has she for those who want to get started on running? Let’s find out!


Sport: Running
Name: Cherlynn Sim
IG handle: @chechepompom
Facebook: Chechepompom

Cherlynn Sim

1. When did you discover that this was your passion and that you were going to pursue it as far as you could?

I started running out of curiosity of how it feels to run a full marathon. I could never run a proper 2.4km before and as I trained toward a marathon, I realized as you put your mind to it, you can do it. I enjoy the camaraderie from long distance running and how it taught me multiple life skills that I would love to make it a part of my lifelong journey.

2. Who inspired you?

My dad! He is an ultra runner and he’s completed multiple 100K races even at 70 years of age. Who wouldn’t be inspired?

3. Have you participated in any major competition?

I’ve joined most of the local races in Singapore and have been venturing into overseas trail races in recent years (before Covid)

4. In your opinion, what was your best performance? 

I consider trail races to be humbling and it brings out the character (good and bad) in me. 

5. What’s your training like when training for a competition? 

I run 3 times a week, incorporate stair repeats and hill repeats on weekends. 

6. Do you maintain a special diet? If so, what do you eat? Are there cheat days?

I don’t follow any diet and I eat almost everything. On days when I am on low running mileage, I may eat less. I do go on an occasional detox after seasonal feasts. 

7. When not training for a competition, what’s your training like? 

I scale down to 2 running days and add in a leisure cycling day when not training for any races.

8. Do you see yourself as an inspirational role model for aspiring athletes?

Some people tell me I inspire them to keep running. Though I’m not a competitive runner, I managed to keep running for more than 10 years. Hoping to keep running as a lifelong sport and by doing so, will encourage others to keep an active lifestyle. 

9. Where are your favourite training spots? Why?

I run around Kallang, MBS and MacRitchie Trails as a weekly training ground as it offers a nice view of the cityscape and the trails for an escape from the hustle and bustle to relax the mind. I like a mix of both. 

I also enjoy leisure hiking in Hong Kong as you get magnificent views at the peaks and great food and couple of drinks to follow after.

10. Have you always been fit and fab? Was there a time when you were not?

I have not always been fit and fabulous. Even now, there are days that I just feel slow down and indulge in it be for some time. I have learned to accept that there will be a ‘sloth’ season and there will be fitter and more fabulous seasons. Most importantly: to always get back to doing something active. 

11. If there are readers who would like to get started in your sport, what advice do you have?

     a. Start with a small goal
     b. Fix some Run Days in the week
     c. Sign up for a short (virtual) race
     d. Get friends to run together
     e. Invest in a set of nice attire so that you feel and look good when you are out there running

12. Besides running, what other passions for you have?

I am borderline running shoe shopaholic. I own more than 20 pairs of running shoes and I sometimes feel guilty for not giving full mileage to some of them. 

Thank you Cherlynn, for that interview and for sharing those valuable tips with us! We certainly appreciate getting to know you more and we’re definitely inspired by your story.

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